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CareForIT Upgrades - New features available such as named charge rates and payroll enhancements!

Posted on 29 August 2018

Dear CareForIT Customer,

As trailed in our news section of the support site (https://support.care-for-it.com) we have some new and exciting features available in CareForIT.

These are

- Named Charge Rates

- Holiday Pay

- Travel Types

- Payroll Enhancements

Details are available at



What does this mean for you?

Between Wednesday 29th August and Wednesday 5th September your system will be upgraded to the latest version of CareForIT that includes the above new features.

Whilst the upgrade is in progress it will replicate the updates to all of our servers and whilst that is happening you may encounter a short intermittent problem on screens that have been updated.

If you encounter any intermittent issues we recommend that you logout of CareForIT for a short period of 5 minutes to allow the replication to complete.

We do not expect you to encounter any significant disturbance to the running or use of CareForIT.

Any queries or concerns please contact the support team using support@care-for-it.com

Best Regards

CareForIT Support Team