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CareForIT Carer App - iOS update now available

Posted on 2 September 2018

We are very pleased to announce version 1.71 is now available on the CareForIT Carer App on iOS.

The app now has the following fixes:

  1. We now have GPS functionality.
  2. A permanent location visits only fix has been applied to iPhone.
  3. Keysafes now allow letters and zeros.
  4. Notes will show on iPhone when there is no medication (A previous issue was raised where notes were not showing when the service user had no medication).
  5. Note insert on iPhone will now be closer to full screen.

Within the next release, we are looking to complete work on forms, body maps and signatures.

The app can be found within the App Store by searching for CareForIT Carer.

We have made some improvements to the design seen here:

The current version allows Carers to check in/out offline, and view the rota for the coming five days.

There is a guide to setting up and using the iOS app, which is available to users and can be found by clicking here.

If you wish to start using the iOS app, but your current package doesn't include an app provision, please contact our Senior Account Manager, Josh Rowan via josh.rowan@webformed.co.uk to discuss adding this new exciting feature.