The CareFor Carer App is available for both iOS and Android smartphones.
The app can be downloaded from both the Play Store and the App Store using the following links -
Android phones - click here
iOS phones - click here
Setting up the app is quick and hassle free:
- Send your carers an email invitation to set their password for CareFor and allow them 'Electronic Logging' access.
- Your carer can then download the app from the App or Play Store.
- All that's left to do is to login using their email address and password
If you would like further information on getting started with the apps, please take a look at our available support articles -
Using the CareFor Carer app for iOS
We are constantly updating our apps to ensure the best user experience, so please keep an eye on any upcoming release notes published under the 'Latest News' section of your CareFor log in screen.
If you would like any further information on the CareFor Carer App please contact our support team at