Holiday can be a complex issue for employers and because we know this and want to help make it as simple as possible for your business we have our Holiday Scheme and Holiday Calculator, this allows you to fill in the details and let your CareFor system work out the entitlement for your staff, allowing you to get back to the important part of your business delivering excellent care.
Holiday can be set up for both accrual and fixed schemes making it easy for your payroll / HR team to be able to easily see what holiday is available for your staff. In line with the government’s guidelines from July 2020 for calculating holiday pay for workers without fixed hours or pay CareFor will calculate holiday pay and entitlement. If you would like to speak to someone about setting your holiday up on CareFor then let us know and we can help!
Further to this we are also making some improvements to our Holiday Scheme currently the year runs in line with the tax year April to March, on our next update this will be updated so that you can enter the holiday year relevant for your business for example Jan to Dec, keep an eye out for this new release in the next few weeks.