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​New release – CareForIT Carer (Android App)

Posted on 12 January 2018

We will shortly be making a new release to the CareForIT Carer App. This new release contains the following:

- Only visits for today can be checked into. If you try to check into a visit for a day other than today, you will be presented with a message advising that “You can only check in on the visit day”

- If you are on a multi-Carer call, all other Carer names will be displayed

- If you are already checked into a call, and then attempt to check into another call you will be alerted to this

As part of this new release there have been bug and crash fixes, including a fix involving phone memory and the app crashing. 

If you have any questions about this new release, please contact the Support team via support@care-for-it.com