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How do I email messages to all staff or carers?

Last updated by Claire Sillito on April 24, 2024 17:52

You can email all carers or staff using the bulk action menu within the all staff or all carers list.

Firstly, locate the list who you want to send the message to, and select using the left hand tick boxes who is to receive the message, then, drop down the 'Bulk Action' menu and select 'Send Email':

This will then bring up a box allowing you to type the message that you wish to send. Once you have finished the message, click the 'Send' button:

The email will then be sent to the individual's email address. You can also see under the notes section of the staff or carer's profile which emails have been sent to them:

If a carer or staff member says they are not receiving emails sent through the system, in the first instance, please ask them to check their junk/spam folder and also check that the email address correct. If the emails are not found and the email address is correct, then please contact the Support Team for further assistance on 01626 798890, or via support@care-for-it.com